Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Neymar transfer Declared Not Troubled?

Transfer Neymar Dinyatakan Tak Bermasalah?

One by one, the problem seems to FC Barcelona started well resolved . Had been plagued with bad rumors , Barca got through with great results .
One of the problems that had rocked Barca is about the transfer of Neymar . Socios their own , Jordi Casas , cast demands because they believed the club - in this case the club president Sandro Rosell - embezzled funds in the transfer of Neymar .
Cases demands have been processed at the Spanish court . The judge handling the case , Judge Ruz , has also asked all fittings Neymar transfer from Barca .
After studying all the documents , Ruz stated there was nothing wrong with the transfer of Neymar . El Confidencial reported that the case will soon be discontinued because Ruz see no problem .
Neymar transfer itself is shrouded in mystery because the players requested that the financial side of the transfer undisclosed . Confidentiality is what sparked a lot of speculation and suspicion from himself in
Barca .

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